Green Building Assessment Aspects

by | 01-09-21 | Green Building | 0 comments

The aspects are very similar in different assessment green assessment tools and the credits depend on the geographic environment and resources of each country/city. For example, some criteria in U.S. green building tool (i.e. LEED) are not found in the other assessments (e.g. green vehicles, PBT Source Reduction, and Green Power and Carbon Offsets).

Hong Kong Green Building Assessment Tool (i.e. BEAM Plus)

The article of ” Does Hong Kong have its own local green building rating system?” mentioned that BEAM (Building Environmental Assessment Method) Plus has FOUR different tools, including Neighbourhood (ND), New Building (NB), Existing Building (EB), and Interiors (BI). Their aspects are summarized as below:

Assessment AspectContentApplication Tool(s)
Community Aspect (CA)focuses on the socio-economic impacts of the development to the neighbourhood that enhances the surrounding built environment, local character and social identity, e.g. neighbourhood amenities and corporate social responsibility reporting.
Green Building Attributes (GBA)is about selecting a BEAM Plus certified building or adopting best practices in operations, e.g. long-term lease.
Integrated Design and Construction Management (IDCM)encourages the project team to enhance communication with stakeholders and adopt the integrated design approach throughout green building design and construction, e.g. life cycle costing and building management manuals.
NB (2.0)*  
Management (MAN)concerns responsible management practices and provisions to encourage sustainable management of occupied areas, e.g.  integrated pest management and green lease.
Site Aspect/ Sustainable Site (SA/SS)are about the location, design, infrastructural provisions and basic amenities of a building or a development.
Outdoor Environmental Quality (OEQ)encompass various environmental aspects of outdoor environment which have an impact on the occupants and neighbours including daylight access, air quality, noise and thermal comfort, etc.
Materials and Waste Aspects (MA/MWA)encourages waste reduction and efficient use of materials of lesser environmental impacts, e.g. sustainable forest products and construction waste reduction.
Energy Use (EU)relates to low energy design, energy efficiency practices and adoption of renewable energy, e.g. minimum energy performance and energy efficient appliances.
Water Use (WU)emphasises adoption of water efficient devices and practices, reduction of water use and the quality of potable water, e.g. water efficient appliances and water efficient irrigation.
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)renamed to “Health and Wellbeing (HWB)” under NB (2.0)
encompass various environmental aspects of indoor environment which have an impact on the occupants and neighbours including daylight access, air quality, noise and thermal comfort, etc
Innovations and Additions (IA)gives credits to projects with innovative designs that enhance environmental performance; and projects with superior performance that greatly exceed the prevailing requirements in the assessment, e.g. provision of EV (Electric Vehicle) charging facilities at carpark.

*: It is the latest BEAM Plus version for new building and was launched in 2019


Apart from the abovementioned aspects, do you think of any other aspects to be considered in the green building assessment? Welcome to share your opinion in the below comment area.



Hong Kong Green Building Council:

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