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用材及廢物管理(MA/MWA) – 區域製造材料 (Regionally Manufactured Materials)

用材及廢物管理(MA/MWA) – 區域製造材料 (Regionally Manufactured Materials)

Please click here for English version 根據之前的一篇文章<<綠色建築評估範疇>>,我們提到綠建環評新建建築 (NB 1.2版)有六個評估範疇,包括用地與室外環境/可持續地塊發展 (SA/SS),用材及廢物管理 (MA/MWA),能源使用 (EU),用水(WU),室內環境質素 (IEQ)和創新 (IA) 。(註:NB 2.0版亦包括綜合設計與建造管理 (IDCM),IEQ亦改名為健康與安舒(HWB)) 今日要同大家介紹用材及廢物管理 (MA/MWA)的其中一個分數: MA 9 (NB...

地球先生系列 – (1) 我發燒了?

地球先生系列 – (1) 我發燒了?

整個地球先生系列會同大家分享為什麼地球的溫度會不斷上升,溫度上升所帶來的問題和解決方法。第一章節會透過不同資料解釋為什麼會説地球現在在發燒中 (溫度不斷上升)。這章節的資料來源包括世界氣象組織(WMO)、美國國家海洋和大氣管理局(NOAA) 、帕克來地球組織 (Berkeley Earth)和香港天文台(HKO)。 過去和現在溫度的比較...

Mr. Earth Series – (1) I have a fever?

Mr. Earth Series – (1) I have a fever?

The entire "Mr. Earth series" will share with you why the earth’s temperature continues to rise, and the problems and solutions caused by the increase in temperature. The first chapter will explain through different information why it is said that the earth is now in...



當大家購買食物時,都會發現食物包裝上有一個保質期的標籤,例如"此日期前最佳 (Best before) "和"此日期或之前食用 (Use by/Expiration date )。究竟是不是食物只要過了保質期就不能食用呢? 今日想同大家分享以下內容: 1)"此日期前最佳"和"此日期或之前食用"有什麼分別呢? 2)會唔會有專售賣到期食物的機構呢? 3)有趣小貼士 - 怎樣分辨沒有食用日期的雞蛋是否還能繼續食用呢? 1)"此日期前最佳"和"此日期或之前食用"有什麼分別呢? 首先,我要強調一點 "此日期前最佳"...

Eat or Not Eat – Best Before/Use By Date?

Eat or Not Eat – Best Before/Use By Date?

When you buy food, you may notice that there is a date on the label of the food packaging such as "Best before" and "Use by/Expiration date. Does it mean that we cannot eat the food after that day?  Today, I would like to share the below contents with you: 1)...



雖然綠色建築評估範疇大同小異,但每一個國家/城市的評估都會因應自己的地理環境和資源等等而有不同的評估準則,例如美國的綠色建築評估體系 (i.e. LEED),這個系統包含了一些香港評估未必有的準則,例如綠色車輛 (Green Vehicle),減少持久性生物累積有毒源(PBT Source Reduction)、綠色電力和碳補償(Green Power and Carbon Offsets)。 香港綠建環評範疇 在《香港有自己本土的綠色建築評估系統嗎?》這篇文章中提到香港綠建環評有四個評估工具,包括綠建環評社區...

Green Building Assessment Aspects

Green Building Assessment Aspects

The aspects are very similar in different assessment green assessment tools and the credits depend on the geographic environment and resources of each country/city. For example, some criteria in U.S. green building tool (i.e. LEED) are not found in the other...

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Mr. Earth Series – (1) I have a fever?

Mr. Earth Series – (1) I have a fever?

The entire "Mr. Earth series" will share with you why the earth’s temperature continues to rise, and the problems and solutions caused by the increase in temperature. The first chapter will explain through different information why it is said that the earth is now in...

Eat or Not Eat – Best Before/Use By Date?

Eat or Not Eat – Best Before/Use By Date?

When you buy food, you may notice that there is a date on the label of the food packaging such as "Best before" and "Use by/Expiration date. Does it mean that we cannot eat the food after that day?  Today, I would like to share the below contents with you: 1)...

Green Building Assessment Aspects

Green Building Assessment Aspects

The aspects are very similar in different assessment green assessment tools and the credits depend on the geographic environment and resources of each country/city. For example, some criteria in U.S. green building tool (i.e. LEED) are not found in the other...

Green Building – A definition

Green Building – A definition

For house hunting, everyone usually pays attention to the surrounding provided facilities, the usable area of ​​the unit, the layout and the natural lighting and so on. However, have you thought:every building has a certain amount of disturbances and damages to...